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Workplace Health Needs Assessment

Workplace Health Needs Assessment

What is a Workplace Health Needs Assessment?

The Workplace Health Needs Assessment (WHNA) is an evidenced based tool that helps you understand the health of your workforce. Completing the WHNA will help you to understand what areas of your workforce's health and wellbeing:

  • Is currently good
  • Requires improvement
  • Needs prioritising the most

The WHNA is free to all organisations based within the Rutland County Council boundaries.

How does it work?

The WHNA works like an anonymous staff survey. By asking your staff to complete the WHNA, they will answer questions on a range of topics including mental and physical health, workplace culture, financial wellbeing and more. To help you increase staff uptake, we also provide you with a number of communication resources including a branded poster.

Once you have closed your WHNA to responses, all responses will be aggregated and presented to you in a report that will give you:

  • An overall view of the health and wellbeing of your workforce
  • How your results compare to the rest of Rutland
  • Recommendations and ideas for actions going forward

A member of the Healthy Workplaces Rutland team will go through this report with you, to help you better understand the results.

If your organisation has signed up to the Healthy Workplaces Rutland Accreditation scheme, it will be at this point where we begin to agree your goals and targets for the first stage of the accreditation.

Organisations who take a strategic approach to employee wellbeing are far more likely to report a number of positive achievements from their activity, at both the individual and organisational level.

Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, 2022

Why should your organisation do a WHNA?

Employee health varies hugely between organisations, even across Rutland.

Completing the WHNA gives you a great starting point in understanding where you should target your efforts and resources to improve employee health the most effectively. Not only does this mean you'll make the biggest impact by focussing on the topics that need it most, but you'll also be more efficient whilst doing it.

How much does the WHNA cost?

The below costs are for organisations based within the Rutland County Council boundaries. If you are based within Leicestershire, visit Healthy Workplaces Leicestershire or if your organisation is based outside of the county, please contact us for more information.

Arrange a quick conversation about your organisation and how to get started with your free Workplace Health Needs Assessment.